Friday, November 29, 2019

Antiproliferative effect of silver nanoparticles free essay sample

Antiproliferative effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized using amla on Hep2 cell line BY stanleY00086 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2012)1-10 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine journal homepage:www. elsevier. com/locate/ap]tm Document heading dot: Antiproliferative effect of silver nanoparticles synthesized using amla on Hep2 cell line Fathima Stanley Rosarinl , Vadivel Arulmozhil , Samuthira NagaraJan2, Sankaran Mirunalinil* Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar-608 002, Tamilnadu, India Department of Chemistry, Annamalai Results: PE-AgNPs was synthesized and confirmed through kinetic behavior of NPs. The shape of PE-AgNPs was spherical and ubic since it was agglomerated, and the nanoparticle surface was complicated. Average particle size distribution of PE-AgNPs was found to be 188 nm. Potent biomolecules of P. emblica such as polyphenols were capped with AgNPs and reduced its toxicity. In cytotoxicity assay the concentration in which the maximum number of cell death was 60 fig/mL and 50 fig/mL for P. We will write a custom essay sample on Antiproliferative effect of silver nanoparticles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page emblica (alone) and AgNPs, respectively and IC50 values were fixed as 30 fig/mL and 20 fig/mL. ROS generation, apoptotic morphological changes, mitochondrial depolarization, DNA damage and oxidative stress was observed as more in AgNPs treated cells than in P. mblica (30 g/mL) (alone) treated cells and 5-FU treated cells gave similar result. Conclusions: The results suggest that the AgNPs are capped with biomolecules of amla enhanced cytotoxicity in laryngeal cancer cells through oxidative stress and apoptotic function on Hep2 cancer cells. Keywords: Amla AgNPS Oxidative stress Cytotoxicity Antiproliferation 1. Introduction Cancer is considered as one of the most deadly disease in the world with high mortality. Since there are many cancer therapies available, chemotherapy has become an integral component of cancer treatment for most cancers. In the area f oncology drug discovery, conventional chemotherapeutic agents still exhibit poor specificity in reaching tumor tissue and are often restricted by dose-limiting toxicity. The combination of developing controlled-release technology and targeted drug delivery may provide a more efficient and less harmful solution to overcome the limitations in *Corresponding author: Dr. S. Mirunalini, assistant professor, Depatment of Biochemistry, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar 608 002, Tami nadu, India. Tel: Fax: conventional chemotherapy. R ecent interest has been are capable of controlling the release of chemotherapeutic gents directly inside cancer cells[l]. Nanomaterials are expected hopefully to revolutionize the cancer diagnosis and therapy. Nanoscale particles decorated with multiple functionalities are able to target and visualize tumor site via an imaging technology, thereby allowing for the early detection of cancer. Furthermore, intelligent nanosystems can be constructed as controlled delivery vehicles which are capable of delivering anticancer drugs to a predetermined site and then releasing them with a programmed rate, which can improve therapeutic efficacy[2]. In inorganic nanoparticles, metal nanoparticles have eceived considerable attention in recent years because of their unique properties and potential applications in Fathima Stanley Rosarin et al. /Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (2012)1-10 catalysis, photonics, optoelectronics, biological tagging and pharmaceutical applications. A number of approaches are available for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). For example, silver ions are reduced by chemical, electrochemical, radiation, photochemical methods, Langmuir-Blodgett and biological techniques[3-9]. Among these methods, biological synthesis is a good way to fabricate benign nanostructure aterials. Biological technique is less toxic and eco friendly, in the synthesis of nanoparticles capping agents are used. Capping agent is absorbed by nanoparticles. They are usually organic molecules, and used to aid stabilization of nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized by various plant materials as capping agents such as papaya[10] and neem[11]. Polyphenols of Phyllanthus emblica (P. emblica) includes hydrolysable tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, gallic acid, ellagic acid and quercetin [1 2], and this plant exhibits antioxidant[13], adaptogenic[14], and hepato-protective action[1 5]. Due to the existence of the conjugated ring structures and hydroxyl groups, many phenolic compounds have the potential to function as antioxidants by scavenging superoxide anion[16] and singlet oxygen[17]. Metal nanoparticles can be synthesized in the average size of more than 50 nm, therefore their large surface area has the ability to carry a relatively high drug dose. Functionalizing the surface of conventional metallic nanoparticles like gold and silver to carry drugs is under investigation. investigate the anticancer effect of PE-AgNPs and drug delivery efficacy of Ag nanoparticles on Hep2 (laryngeal pidermoid carcinoma, a common malignant tumor of head and neck)[18] cell line which has not been previously studied. The biological applications of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), antimicrobial properties in particular have been widely studied[19]. AgNPs are known to be cytotoxic to both normal and cancer cells in mammals [20] and the modes of interactions of AgNPs have been investigated in different prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems [21-23]. Since nanoparticles ( NPs) are more biocompatible than the conventional therapeutics, they are exploited for drug encapsulation and delivery[24]. It has been stressed over he years that size reduction of NPs play an important role in improving their bioavailability as well as compatibility for therapeutical applications in diseases like cancer[25]. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have a great potential in cancer management because it selectively involved in disruption of the mitochondrial respiratory chain by AgNPs leading to production of ROS and interruption of ATP synthesis, which in turn cause DNA damage[26,21]. Based on the conflicting results, here is an urgency to evaluate cytotoxicity and apoptotic properties of PE-AgNPs on hep2 cells. In order to study the properties of PE-AgNPs to induce apoptosis n cancer cells, it was compared with a standard reference drug 5-flourouracil (5-FU) and we also compared P. emblica fruit extract (alone) with its encapsulated AgNPs. For this study, we employed a well characterized AgNPs to access its apoptotic function via its cytotoxicty and oxidative stress. Dose was fixed and applied in the Hep2 cells by the cytotoxicity test. Based on this study and our ability to access the interaction and interference with a wide range of biological functions, PE-AgNPs employed in the present study provide a unique opportunity to investigate oxidative stress, intracellular ROS generation, apoptotic bodies and poptotic DNA fragmentation, and mitochondrial membrane potential and toxicity in human laryngeal carcinoma cells (Hep2 cell line). Though the AgNPs induces mitochondrial mediated apoptosis[27], we have made an attempt to cap the AgNPs with potent biomolecules of P. mblica and we assessed the toxicity and examined the apoptotic function of PE-Ag NPs which comprised of biomolecules of P. emblica and silver precursors. 2. 1 . Silver nanoparticles The silver nanoparticles were synthesized using previously published procedure in which AgNPs were produced through ion reduction and subsequent stabilization using aqueous xtract of P. emblica fruits. In this method P. emblica pericorps were initially rinsed thrice in distil led water and dried on paper toweling. About 25 g of fruit were cut into fine pieces and boiled with 100 mL sterile distilled water for 5 minutes and filtered through Whatman No. l filter paper twice. The filtrate was stored at 4 C and used for the present study. About 10 mL of aqueous fruit extract was added into the 100 mL aqueous solution of 1 mM AgN03 (AR)[28]. The 100 mL of 1 mM silver nitrate solution was reduced using 10 mL of P. emblica extract at room temperature within 10 min. Ag ion reduction was monitored by measuring the UV-vis spectrum of the reaction medium at various time intervals (5 min to 78 h) in room temperature. The pellet of AgNPs obtained after centrifugation was air dried and mixed with KBr and the KBr-AgNPs pellet was subjected to FTIR to ensure the formation of silver nanoparticles with encapsulation of biomolecules of P. emblica. A scanning electron microscope was used to record the micrograph images of synthesized AgNPs, the particle size distribution of AgNPs was evaluated using dynamic light scattering measurements. These well characterized silver nanoparticles ere further used for cytotoxicity and oxidative stress on cancer cells. 2. 2. Cell culture The human laryngeal carcinoma cell line ( Hep2) was purchased from National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, I ndia. T he cells were cultured as monolayer in MEM supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% glutamine and 100 IJ/mL penicillin-streptomycin at 37 C in 5% C02 atmosphere, stocks were maintained in 25 cm2 tissue culture flasks. A stock solution of PE (1 mg/mL) and PE-AgNPs (1 mg/mL) was prepared in 0. 5% dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) (w/v) and stored at 4 C further dilution was made in culture media to obtain the desired oncentrations. The final concentrations of DMSO in the culture medium were not more than 0. 01% (wv). 0. 01% DMSO was used as a sham control. C ells were treated with different concentration of PE and PE-AgNPS (1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 fig,t-nL) and the cytotoxicity was observed by (3-4, 5-dimethyl thiaz012yl)-2, 5-di phenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. MTT assay was first proposed by mossmon[29]. IC50 value was calculated and optimum dose of PE and PE-AgNPs was fixed in this assay for further study. It is a colorimetric assay for measuring the activity of enzymes that reduce MTT to purple color. Formazan product is directly proportional to viable cells. 10 GL of MTT solution (5 mg/mL in PBS) was added to each culture well after 24 hours of incubation with PE and PE-AgNPs treatment. The color was allowed to develop for additional 4 hours incubation. An equal volume of DMSO was added to stop the reaction and to solubilize the blue crystals. The absorbance was taken using UV-visible spectrophotometer (Elico SLl 59, India) at a wavelength of 570 nm. OD value was subjected to sort-out percentage of viability by using the following formula, OD value of experimental samples. Percentage of cell viability= OD value of experimental sample (AgNPs) OD value of experimental control (untreated) 2. 4. Cell treatment The Hep2 cells were treated with PE and PE-AgNPs in the following concentrations as revealed by MTT assay. They are Group l- Control (untreated cancer cells), Group ll- Hep2 cells (30 Gg/mL PE), Group Ill Hep2 cells + 20 fig/mL PE-AgNPs and Group IV Hep2 cells + 30 Gg/mL 5-FU. After treatment they were incubated at 37 C in 5% C02 incubator after 24 h incubation. The cells were harvested by trypsinization for further experiments. . 5. Reactive oxygen species generation R eactive oxygen species was assessed following the rocedure described by J esudason et al [30]. C ells were seeded in 96 well plate and incubated with PE extract (30 figmL), PE-AgNPS (20 fig,t-nL) and 5-FU (30 for 24 h. A fter incubation, fluorescent dye 2 , 7 dichlorfluorescein-diacetate (DCFH- DA) a non-fluorescent probe that can penetrate into the intracellular matrix of cells, wh ich were then kept in incubator for 30 min. Then the cells were washed with PBS to remove the excess dye. . 6. Mitochondrial membrane potential Mitochondrial membrane potential was evaluated following the procedure described by B hosle et al [31] using the Rhodamine-123 (Rh-123) which is a lipophilic cationic dye, 3 highly specific for mitochondria. The cells were seeded in 96 well plate and treated with PE (30 fig/mL), PE-AgNPs (20 fig/mL) and 5-FIJ (30 fig/mL) and incubated for 24 h. A fter incubation of the cells, fluorescent dye R h- 123 (5 mmol/L) was added to the cells and kept in incubator for 30 min. Then the cells were washed with PBS and viewed under fluorescent microscope using blue filter. 2. 7. Apoptotic morphological changes The apoptotic bodies which were the result of treatment with PE-Ag NPs was assessed by the method of Lakshmi et al[32]. Apoptotic nuclei exhibits typical changes such as nuclear condensation and fragmentation were stained by AO/EtBr to know the dead apoptotic cells. Cells were treated with PE (30 Gg/mL), PE- AgNPS (20 fig/TlL) and 5-FIJ (30 fig/mL), and incubated in C02 incubator for 24 h. The cells were fixed in methanol: glacial acetic acid (3:1) for 30 min at 37 C. The cells were washed with PBS and stained in 1:1 ratio of AO/EtBr, stained cells were immediately washed and viewed under a fluorescent microscope with a magnification of 40x. 2. 8. Apoptotic DNA fragmentation A poptotic DNA fragmentation is a key feature of rogrammed cell death and also occurs in certain stages of necrosis. DNA damage was estimated by agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA fragmentation[33]. Hep2 cells were treated with PE ( 30 g/m L), PE A g NP s (20 g/m L) and 5-FU (30 Gg/mL). Treated and untreated cells were collected by centrifugation at 3 000 rpm for 15 min at 4 C. The cell pellet was suspended in cell lysis buffer (Tris Hcl 10 mmol/L pH 7. 4, Triton-xlOO, 0. 5%) and kept at 4 C for 20 minutes. The supernatant was incubated with RNAase of 40 fig/L at 37 for 1 h then incubated with proteinase K 40 Gg/L at 37 for 1 h. To he final aqueous phase 40 GL of 3. 5 M ammonium acetate was added, to this ice cold isopropanol was added and centrifuged at 25 000 rpm for 15 min and dried. After drying, DNA was dissolved in TE buffer and separated by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis at 100 V for 50 min and the DNA Damage was analyzed by gel documentation (alpha innotech image analyzer). 2. 9. Lipid peroxidation Accumulation of lipid peroxides in the cell is associated cellular stress which leads to cancer cell death. The cells were harvested by trypsinization, the cell pellet obtained was suspended in PBS . T he suspension was taken for iochemical estimations. The level of lipid peroxidation was determined by analyzing TBA-reactive substances (TBARS)[34]. The pink chromogen formed by the reaction of 2-TBA with breakdown products of lipid peroxidation was Figure 1 . Solution of fruit extract, AgNO 3 solution and Ag nanoparticles (From left to right). 0. 200 The statistical analysis was done among the experimental groups with control and normal groups using SPSS software Version 16 (SPSS Inc. , Chicago, IL, USA). The One-way ANOVA was done for expressing experimental significance of the present study. Statistical significance was accepted t a level of P 0. 05. Abs. 3. 1 . Nanoparticle synthesis and characterization 0. 050 When aqueous extract of P. mblica was added to silver nitrate solution and stirred for 1 h, the resultant solution was brownish orange (F igure 1 ).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Fiscal Policy paper Research Paper Example

Fiscal Policy paper Research Paper Example Fiscal Policy paper Paper Fiscal Policy paper Paper Fiscal Policy Paper Name: Course: Date: : Fiscal Policy Paper A budget deficit in a national economy occurs when spends more than what it earns as revenue. It means that the level of expenditure is higher than that of total revenue. Surplus occurs whenever the amount of total revenue exceeds that of expenditure. However, it is not a priority of the government, incurring a surplus is often a good thing. A debt is any money owed by the state to other countries or financial institutions often borrowed to curb deficits. Currently the United States is experiencing one of the worst ever financial crises in its history. Its deficit has risen to a dramatic percentage and much of it has blamed on the country’s fiscal policy. The deficit has led to the accumulation of debts in order to sustain the country’s crumbling economy. The effects of this deficit are very dangerous to the economy. By increasing debt, the monetary supply in the nation increases causing inflation. Although debt decreases the deficit, a problem arises when it comes to paying off the debts. The interest payments for these debts form part of the budget, and other sectors may lose out due to the debt (Gwartney, 2011). The country is set for a fiscal cliff in the course of this year. This subject dominated the 2012 presidential elections with targeted attacks on the government’s inability to avert it. The manufacturing industry is one of the largest in the United States. This is because of the amount of revenue it earns the country, implying that it is the centre of the country’s economy. Products from this industry contribute to trade with other nations as America maintains a productive advantage in the global market. Automotive manufacturing in America earns a lot of revenue because of economies of scale. A number of surveys reveal that over the last four years this sector has shown much improvement. There has been a significant rise in the number of exports of vehicles and parts, a figure that is declining due to trade deficit. The U.S surplus, deficit and debt affects both the automotive industry and the financial reputation of the country at the international level. A surplus is often a positive achievement but the same cannot be said about a deficit and debt, which denote the current financial status of the United States. This is because they are indicators of the country’s economic status at any given time. How these factors affect international perception and the automotive sector is variable. The effects of a surplus are always good as it leads to creation of more jobs, provides more capital for industries and is an indicator of a strong economy. On the other hand, effects of a deficit and debts are mostly negative. For instance, the automotive industry and the manufacturing sector at large have been adversely affected by the U.S. deficit. Once a thriving sector, trade deficit has reduced its value. Faced by competition from other countries such as Germany and China, the auto industry, once mainly an exporter has started to import vehicles and parts. This has also contributed to the country’s overall deficit. This loss of competitiveness is what drives America to outsource. For as long as America keeps incurring debt to pay its deficit, less money is channeled into reviving the automotive industry. People are affected by losing their jobs and earning less income. In the end, the cost of living rises. Internationally, the U.S is almost losing its status among the superpowers. Though it remains a dominant player in international politics, it has faced constant criticism for its failure to maintain a stable financial position. All these show how the above-mentioned factors affect international view of America and its economy, particularly in the manufacturing sector. This means that they play a great role in America’s economy and help shape perception of the country’s financial position.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Providing Feedback to the Community-based Care Transitions Program Research Paper

Providing Feedback to the Community-based Care Transitions Program - Research Paper Example The CCTP is connected with the Partnership for Patients, whose focus is on improving patient experience and reducing the costs of hospital readmissions by 20 percent (Partnership, 2014). Those included in the partnership are the Hospital Engagement Networks there are 26 states, regional and national hospital system organizations that help identify solutions for protecting against hospital-acquired conditions; the Community-based Care Transition Program (CCTP) which seeks to incorporate social service providers, pharmacies, primary care practices, nursing homes and home health agencies to provide patients with care; and the Patient and Family Engagement (PFE) system which connects relationships between patients, their families and the health care system, so that outside care can continue, rather than returning to the hospital (Partnership, 2014). The New York Methodist Hospital provides a coordinator who assists each patient during the first 30 days to assist patient needs, decipher discharge paperwork and care instructions, oversees follow-up medical appointments for the patient, along with prescription fillings, and will also connect the patient with community services, such as Meals on Wheels (NYM, 2014). As this whole process is still relatively new, it is a work in progress, particularly as the ACA moves into gear in this past year. Obviously, hospitals want to reduce costs, but it should never be at the expense of the public’s health, particularly when concerning older people. As of January 2013, New York State’s Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) showed reduction rates for Medicare patients in re-admissions within the first 30 days of implementing the program (PR, 2013). Those rates were compared to those from an intervention pilot program during 2009 to 2010, as part of the CMS 9th Scope of Work (SOW) Care Transitions initiative, covering 14 communities nationwide.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CJUS 330 Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CJUS 330 Book Review - Essay Example The so called â€Å"liberalized† people have foregone the cultures and traditions of the American society and embraced new ways of living. For instance, gay marriages, pornography, abortion, and radical feminism have come to be accepted in the American society. Such actions are fuelled by an American Supreme Court that has lost faith in the norms of the society and continues to make decisions that will end up destroying the society. The author maintains that there is a faction of Americans who still believe in their traditions of low taxes, purity of marriage, justice, and the rule of law. However, this faction is ignored and the judges of the Supreme Court make rulings on cases based on what suits them (the judges) best. Robertson (2004) categorically states that the past fifty years have seen the Supreme Court in America become radicalized; resulting in the distortion of the very justice, law, and order the court is meant to uphold. In my opinion, the book is very engaging as the author takes us through the foundations of the American constitution. The author gives us an insight of what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they decided that the government should have three arms. According to Robertson (2004) the role of the judiciary is to interpret laws without being influenced by either the legislature or the judiciary. Today, however, decisions made by the Supreme Court are based on the political will of the government, with complete disregard for the ordinary citizen. The author gives many examples of how the Supreme Court has disregarded American culture in most of its rulings. There are examples in the book about how the Supreme Court voted for the exclusion of the phrase â€Å"under God† in the Pledge, though polls showed most Americans wanted the phrase to remain. Cases of rulings in favor of gay relationships and internet pornography are also used by the author to justify his claims about a wayward Supreme Court (Robertson,

Monday, November 18, 2019

To develop an understanding of what has happened in Brazil or Canada Assignment

To develop an understanding of what has happened in Brazil or Canada or China over the last two years - Assignment Example It is important to point out that Canada strategized on the way forward as far as the aforementioned achievements are concerned. In particular, Canada targeted economic transformation for better economic results, enhanced domestic and international partnerships, and effective resource management by the government through the central bank (Fitzpatrick, 2014). These strategies further sought the collaboration and involvement of the Canadian people as the sole beneficiaries of the government’s economic efforts. Successful running of the Canadian economy is evident through the effective and efficient balance between the outlined economic goals and strategies. With objectives and strategies at hand, the government moved to implement its operations in regards to enhancing Canada’s economic performance. The first move was directed towards government institutions that serve the Canadian society at different levels. In this move, the critical factor was Canada’s diverse society. The government mobilized resources through its agencies to reach out to the people and promote diversity, and inclusion. In essence, every member of the society was crucial in the recent Canadian economic transformation. Secondly, the government and all its agencies support the notion of cooperative relationships. Different players in the economy contribute to national economic progress, an aspect that led the government to reconsider its relationship with these parties. As a result, the government, through the central bank, set aside adequate resources that further develop a relationship of cooperation and collaboration. The outcome was more cohesive and consistent economic progress in many sectors of the Canadian economy. Most importantly, the last two years saw the Canadian government enhance its practice of treaty management for strong economic growth (OECD, 2014). In essence, treaty management encompasses agreements that are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effects Of Packaging And Branding On Customers Marketing Essay

Effects Of Packaging And Branding On Customers Marketing Essay Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs and sells. Consumers pay a lot of attention on product quality and its usability but they also enjoy the package design of a product when purchasing a certain commodity. Packaging of a product is more than a medium of protection and storage and it plays a vital role for a consumer when buying a product. Packaging is the most important factor. Packaging elements like Packaging color, Background Image, Packaging Material, Font Style, Design of wrapper, Printed Information and Innovation is taken as important factors in selling a product. Packaging performs a vital role in marketing communications particularly in the point of sale and could be treated as one of the most important factors influencing a consumers purchase decision. 1.2 Purpose of Packaging Brand Identification: Packages contributes to immediate identification of the companys brand. Physical protection: The objects enclosed in the package may require protection from other things, shock, vibration, temperature, etc. Marketing: The packaging can be used by marketers to persuade potential buyers to purchase the product. Package design has been an important and continuously developing phenomenon for several decades. Convenience: Packages can have features which add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use and reuse. 1.3 Types of packaging: Transport packing: The product entering in to the trade need to be packed well enough to protect against loss damage during handling, transport and storage. Consumer Packing: This packaging holds the required volume of the product for ultimate consumption and is more relevant in marketing for e.g. beverages, tobacco etc. 1.4 Labeling Labeling is a written, printed or graphic matter upon any product, containers or wrappers. It is a subset of packaging. All the sellers need to label their products if they want to make sure that consumers purchase their products. The label can be a simple tag attached to the product or a designed graphic that is a part of the package. A label might carry only the brand name or a great deal of information (Kotler, 2001). A label is a point of contact between the producer and the purchaser and it is an integral part of producers marketing plan. 1.5 Purpose of Labeling Brand Identification: The label identifies the product or brand. Product Grading: The label might also grade the product like canned fruits are grade labeled as A, B and C. Product Description: The label describes the product that made it, where it was made, when it was made, what it contains, how it is to be used and how to use it safely. Product Promotion: The label might promote the product through attractive graphics and designs. 1.6 Labeling Decisions Brand Name: It is necessary for the label to contain the brand name. It has to be decided that how should that brand name appear on the product. It is advisable to scale the logo as large as possible in keeping with the overall design9. Label Text, Graphics and Design: Text, graphics and design on the label must be carefully selected because label in as important part of branding process. It plays a role in communicating the image and identity of a company.9 Features and Benefits Listing products key benefits on its label helps support the brand promise and can help differentiate the product from others, while reaching out to customers seeking those particular benefits.9 Instructions for Use Listing products key benefits on its label helps support the brand promise and can help differentiate the product from others, while reaching out to customers seeking those particular benefits.9 Package Inserts Package inserts, which may contain instructions for using a product, are made when the information cannot fit on the product itself. 9 Safety Hazards Possible dangers that could result from misusing a product must be identified on products to reduce liability and comply with regulations9. Nutritional Labeling- A case of Food Products Nutritional labeling should clearly state the amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories contained in products, as well as their vitamin and mineral contents9. Additional Labeling: Additional labeling includes open dating (to describe freshness), unit pricing (to state the product cost in standard measurement units), grade labeling (to rate the quality level), and percentage labeling (to show the percentage of each important ingredient) 9. Labeling Laws: Labels must comply with local or international truth-in-packaging-and-labeling laws, as well as regulations on hazard warnings and other declarations9. 1.7 Product Labeling An important aspect of marketing and selling a companys product is the product label. The product label  is very important not only for selling a product but also for communicating to the consumer information, company image, values and the perceived value of the product. Therefore when a company designs a label it must take some factors into consideration that should meet with federal regulations. 1.7.1 Specific label Information Some products can be identified effectively by brand name or even the logo many require more complete identification of their nature and the use of the product. The purpose of the label is to provide useful and relevant information about the product as well as to help market the product. Processed foods, patented drugs, textiles and numerous other products are required by law to carry a fairly complete list of their ingredients. This specific information is extremely important so that consumer like those who are allergic to certain ingredients do not use a certain product that may harm them. Labels today also include unit pricing, open dating and nutritional labeling. Unit pricing shows the price per unit of weight or volume allowing consumers to compare values among competing products comparing an expensive brand name product to a less expensive generic product with similar ingredients. Unit pricing is most often found on the store shelf rather than on the product package10. Open dating informs consumers about the expected life of the product so they can avoid products that may be spoiled. This information is especially important for such perishable items as milk, eggs and other products with a short shelf life. 10 Nutritional labeling specifies the amount of calories, total fat, cholesterol, sodium, minerals, vitamins and protein in processed foods.10 Most companies also use three types of other labels on their products. Grade label identifies the quality of the product by a letter such as grade A or with a word such as prime. 10 An informative label uses phrases such as Keep refrigerated after opening to help consumers use the product appropriately. 10 Descriptive label describes the benefits or positive attributes of the product.10 1.7 Role played by Labeling According to Padberg (1992) labeling is aimed to provide a sort of identity card of the product. It is used to make the information of a product immediately accessible to consumers when making purchase decisions. It is a tool through which consumers are provided set of data like expiry date, preservation procedures environmental impacts etc. Labeling is aimed to achieve three main objectives. To guarantee proper and accurate information of product safety and healthiness. To protect consumers and manufacturers against any deceitful message. To favor a fair competition amongst the firms operating on the market place. Further Padberg (1992) said labeling performs a number of functions; the most important of them is a direct support to consumers in their purchasing decisions. Labels must include the following details: Sales denomination. List of ingredients. Minimum preservation time or expiry date. Name and location of the manufacturer or packager. Danger symbols and indication of danger involved in the use of the substance. Location of the manufacturing plant and packaging plant. Procedure to preserve and use the product when specific instructions have to be followed. Instructions for use, if required. Place of origin as the lack of this information might mislead buyers as to the origin of the product. 1.8 Consideration while Labeling For many businesses Labeling is a suitable and straight way of providing consumers with product information. The amount and type of information which must be included in a product label can sometimes be confusing. Labeling standards will depend on the type of product you sell, manufacture, export/import, supply etc. It is also vital you understand the regulations and responsibilities you need to stick on to regarding labeling standards. Labeling information standards impact a range of industries, from those businesses in the food industry, retail areas and manufacturing through to clothing and textile industries and importing and exporting etc. The level of information legally required will depend on the product. For instance food products have different requirements to that of clothing or cosmetics. Basically, a label must include ample information so that consumers know exactly what they are getting and can make an informed decision. Most importantly, the information must not be deceptive or misleading. One of the reasons why the regulations are enforced is because labeling information is often the primary means by which a consumer will decide to buy one product over another. Essentially, product labeling serves three main purposes: It provides basic product information to consumers such as the key ingredients, quantity, quality, name and address of responsible manufacturer, dealer or importer, durability of product, instructions for use/care and country of origin. It provides health, safety and nutrition information and warnings such as instructions for safe handling, nutritional profile, storage, use-by dates etc. It provides a marketing vehicle for promotions advertises and promotes the product etc. In general many small businesses may not have to deal directly with product labeling standards. The labeling responsibilities will rest with the suppliers or manufacturers of the products they sell. However while it may not be a small business responsibility to label the products business owners still need to ensure the products are labeled correctly for their customers safety. 1.9 Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are products that have a quick shelf turnover at relatively low cost and dont require a lot of time and financial investment to purchase. However the huge number of goods sold is what makes the difference. Hence profit in FMCG goods always translates to number of goods sold. Fast Moving Consumer Goods is a categorization that refers to a wide range of regularly purchased consumer products including: toiletries, soaps, cosmetics, teeth cleaning products, shaving products, detergents, and other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products and plastic goods such as buckets. Fast Moving is in opposition to consumer durables such as kitchen appliances that are generally replaced less than once a year. The category may include pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics and packaged food products and drinks although these are often categorized separately. The term Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) is also known as Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). Three of the largest and best known examples of Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies are Nestle, UNILEVER and Procter Gamble. FMCG products includes soft drinks, tissue paper, chocolate bars etc. The FMCG segment represents consumer goods required for daily or frequent use. The main segments of this sector are personal care (oral care, hair care, soaps, cosmetics, and toiletries), household care (fabric wash and household cleaners), branded and packaged food, beverages (health beverages, soft drinks, staples, cereals, dairy products, chocolates, bakery products) and tobacco. 1.10 Problem The research is basically conducted so as to find the attitude of consumers towards labeling strategies over products that changes their purchase decision. 1.11 Objectives Following are the objectives of this study: To determine whether labeling affects buying behavior. To find out current market behavior towards packaging. To determine the effect of labeling on perceived risk which in return affect the purchase of a product. To determine the impact of perceived quality on purchase of a product. 1.12 Justifications Todays generation is surrounded by labels. We see them in products, supermarkets and specialty shops and many of the choices we make in our daily life are dependent on labels and brand names. Labeling is vital so everything around us takes on its special character that is different from the rest. 1.12.1 Reason to study To evaluate that labeling is important for packaging. Consumers perception about labels before buying. Products other than pharmaceuticals require proper labeling but consumers sometime do not see before buying companies lose their customers. Companies will focus more on labels to give proper information to their customers. 1.13 Limitations Few limitations that will hinder this study are: Pharmaceuticals products are not part of study. Lack of time available. Consumers restrain from sharing their information with outsiders. 1.14 Scope Labeling impacting packaging style in todays market that affects rapid or planned buying. Research will be conducted only in Karachi. It will be only applicable in Pakistani environment. Sample size will be relatively small. 1.15 Assumptions The study will be having following assumptions: New products are not coming in markets. Brand loyal are not attentive towards labeling. Consumers are health quality conscious. Sometimes language on labeling is not understandable to consumers. 2.0. Literature Review According to Rundh (2005) package attracts consumers attention to particular brand, enhances its image, and influences consumers perceptions about product. Thus package performs an important role in marketing communications and could be treated as one of the most important factors influencing consumers purchase decision. Packaging helps consumers to choose the product from wide range of similar products, stimulates customers buying behavior. According to Kotler (2003) there are six elements that according to him must be evaluated when employing packaging decisions: size, form, material, color, text and brand. Packaging could be treated as one of most priceless tool in todays marketing communications as it gives more detailed study of its elements and an impact of those elements on consumers buying behavior. Renaud (2007) researched on the influence of label and its validity and purchasing behavior. Labeling plays a relative importance in packaging as compared to other product attributes like pricing strategies for consumer buying behavior. According to P.H.K.Prathiraja and A.Ariyawardana (2003) when consumer making purchase decisions their main focus is on labeling of those products especially if they are health conscious. Most of the consumers are willing to pay something additional if proper information about the product is mentioned on the packaging of the product. Nutritional labeling plays an important role in providing relevant nutrition information to consumers. If the products are not labeled consumers may not be fully aware of the nutrient content of the product. As a result the consumers makes their own belief about nutrient content based on advertising, public health messages and their knowledge of food sciences. According to Larceneux (2004), there are two routes that can that are likely to influence consumers purchase intention. Perceived Quality: Consumers rely on brand and labeling as the indicator of certain products quality. Perceived Uniqueness: Through the policy of labeling which relies primarily on uniqueness of products each producer seeks to distinguish products that helps to position the product in such a way that it remains in the mind of consumers. According to Grunert (2001), high quality of a product remains an important source of competitive advantage for any product. Label always remains an important element as the identifier of a product that tells about the quality of the product. A label makes the consumer choice easier as it is an important evaluation criterion for the consumer as the competition is becoming very stiff and consumers are becoming more and more demanding. Boer (2003) suggests that impact of label on consumer purchase decision totally depends on the way a consumer perceives and thinks. If the labeling strategy is efficient then it can convince the consumer to differentiate between labeled products and other products. In many cases it can happen that the aspects which are covered by the label are not in the best interest of the consumer so labels then fail to fulfill their roles. A label is considered as being the most powerful quality signal which can directly help the consumer to decide about buying a product. According to Giraud Grunert (2001), perception of a label is a source of information provided to the consumers that may differ according to families and also it can differ according to the category of the product. According to Tavoularis et al (2007), womens are more concerned about the product labeling and signals of quality as compared to men because womens are the main buyers of different products as they go to malls and department stores as compared to men so it results in more straight and permanent contact with labeled products. As the consumer gets older their motivation to purchase labeled products gets even stronger. Labeling remain a solution for encouragement for the consumers and help them take a decision to buy a certain product. Consumers normally tend to seek for information that will be comfortable for them and will help to buy a prod uct and make the right choice among a set of products belonging to the same category. Education plays a vital role in determining the importance of a product and to see that what part is played by labeling strategies on a certain product. According to Europe (1996), the people who have studied middle education and higher education tends to be more open and focused on labeling as compared to those people who have studied till primary or even lower middle education. According to Aprile (2004), it is not quite possible for the market to provide consumers with proper information about the attributes of a specific product and also to check that weather these attributes meets the needs of consumers or not. Caswell (1997), in todays world consumers are information on the process and safety of foods and how these foods are produced. It is becoming more and more important in consumers mind the process of making of foods and all the characteristics that are attached to that food product. In making purchase decisions consumers considers attributes and information as a critical part of packaging. Labeling performs functions as a public tool that helps in direct support to purchasing decisions. Some advertising firms combine their advertising messages with the data included in the label that results to enhance the image of the product as well as increase the credibility of their message. Labels are conceived as claims put forward by sellers to inform buyer s about certain characteristics of their products. Labeling also contributes to increasing the effectiveness of some other communication forms that are addressed to consumers such as re-education and public information programs. Labeling serves as an identity card of the product to make information immediately available to the consumers making purchase decisions. It is tool through which consumers are provided a whole set of data like expiry date, preservation procedures etc. . Padberg (1992), direct support to consumers in their purchasing decisions plays a very prominent role in buying behavior. Labels must includes sales denomination, list of ingredients, minimum preservation time or expiry date, name and location of the manufacturer or packager, danger symbols and indication of danger involved in the use of the substance, location of the manufacturing plant and packaging plant, procedure to preserve and use the product when specific instructions have to be followed, instructions for use, place of origin as the lack of this information might mislead buyers as to the origin of the product. Labeling is aimed at achieving three main objectives: to guarantee proper and accurate information on product safety and healthiness, to protect consumers and manufacturers against any deceitful messages and to favor a fair competition amongst the firms operating on the market place. Label can also be a tool used by the firms to execute strategies to distinguish and imp rove their products. The level of information legally required will depend on the product. For instance food products have different requirements to that of clothing or cosmetics. A label must include ample information so that consumers know exactly what they are getting and can make an informed decision. Most importantly, the information must not be deceptive or misleading. According to Rousu.C. Corrigan.R. (2008), firms are heavily investing on new products and design of labels that will help to attract new customers and also will help to retain the existing customers. Firms spend millions of dollars to ensure that labels effectively inform consumers about the product. They would like to see that their consumers who are purchasing their product have a complete information about their product before making any purchase decisions. If proper measures are not taken and consumers are not well informed about the product then it may result in consumers purchasing a product that they dont want to. There is a common perception that by simply placing additional and accurate information on label will lead to better consumer choices. But on the contrary there are evidences that by placing information on label might not be enough to inform consumers. Noussair, Robin and Ruffieux (2002), there are some labels that do not influence the consumer buying behavior like a product indicating that an ingredient is genetically engineered. There is a common perception that more information on a label will automatically provide with better information to the consumers. According to Boer (2003), Labels are not just a message about a product or a service but it is a claim that states that it has some particular features and properties. Consumers normally have limited incentives to invest in obtaining information as the idea behind labeling seems to be very straight forward. Sometimes consumers are aware of the difference between sustainable and un-sustainable practices but they could not identify it in the market. Marketers make plans to enable consumers to identify these differences so that they become motivated to buy the labeled products instead of other products. According to Louw (1999), typically a shopper looks at the label of a product for about five to seven seconds and it does not matter that how many messages are there on the package. According to Knox (2007) risk is an important factor of food choice. Consumer concern over food risk has increased while at the same time. Understanding of public perception of risk is crucial to the success of food safety. Dickson (1994) said that now a day firms spend more money on packaging than on advertising and packaging is often the most renowned marketing effort. Labels are one of the most important features of product packaging and these labels are always chosen to convey messages. According to Hà ©roux (1988) marketers and marketing firms spend significant time and money on packaging products in a manner that will attract consumers concentration and promote its utilization. Color and shapes are the most appealing to consumers. Colors have meaning and are used as an essential tool to integrate marketing strategies and communication. These are often used for product and brand differentiation. Shapes also play a vital role in for these types of marketing strategies. According to Peters (1994) packages are suggested to have great impact as a means of direct communication. A package is recognized as a marketing communication tool as packages convey meanings directly to consumers when the decision to purchase is being made. It is commonly accepted that packages convey meanings about the product and its features, benefits and how to use any products. Packages are found to attract attention. Pictures on packages are emphasized to attract attention especially when consumers are not familiar with the brands. Other than pictures, such signals such as colors, brand names and materials convey brand meaning. Most of the individuals respond to label shape variations and color compositions. De Mello and Pires Gonà §alves (2008) found that there are strong preferences for selected combinations of colors and shapes in the composition design of labels. It is well accepted that packages have an essential role in influencing the consumer purchase choices and int ention at the point of purchase. The impact of packages on consumer behavior and more closely their purchase intention affects at the point of purchase. Pictures on packages are emphasized to attract attention particularly when consumers are not very familiar with the brands. When consumers choose among competing products, they face quality and product performance uncertainty. According to Bredahl, Grunert, and Fertin (1998) in order to design products that will be accepted by consumers it is necessary to translate consumer demands into product specifications that are actionable from the producers point of view. This is especially complex for food stuff because the way consumers perceive expected quality before a purchase is often different from the way quality is perceived after consumption. Perceived product quality is perhaps one of the most important constructs in marketing. Customers behavior can be defined as an activity focused on the purchasing, consuming and using of the products by making decisions before and after purchasing. To determine the attributes by which to evaluate quality in goods and services is the classification that Nelson (1970, 1974) and Darby and Karni (1973) establish for the properties of goods differentiating three types of properties among consumer goods. Search properties: It represents the attributes a consumer can determine before actually purchasing a product. Experience properties: It represents the attributes that can only be discerned after purchase or during consumption. Credence properties: It represents the characteristics that may be impossible to evaluate even after purchase and consumption. According to Cronin and Taylor (1992) and Parasuraman, Zeithaml Berry (1996) high perceived quality leads to repeat purchases and it is the foundation of any business. The importance of perceived quality derives from its beneficial impact on purchase intentions. It is expected that the higher the perceived quality of a product, the higher the consumer satisfaction. Our lifestyle has changed in this fast paced world as compared to few decades ago. Today more and more people are caught up in an endless cycle of buying and throwing away seeing consumption as a means of self-fulfillment. Consumption is the reason why anything is produced. Consumers have positive attitudes towards food products where one of the most common mentioned reasons in purchasing food products was that it is perceived healthier than conventional alternatives. Consumers do not always buy sustainable products as consequences of environmental concern or to benefit the community or due to personal beliefs but mainly to give priority to health and to be part of the social group and to distinguish from others as they seek out the quality of products through labeling that helps in purchasing any food product. According to Titiana Klompenhouwer and Henk Van Den Belt (2003) the product information has influenced the perceived benefit on customers; therefore, their willingness to buy and use a product may change according to that. The name of the product, its price and its nutritional benefit information had a significant effect on the intention to buy products. Product labels are the chief responsible for conveying the food information to customers. The basic motive of legal regulation of labeling and advertising is to inform and protect the consumer therefore customers can make an informed choice. The food label is a prime marketing tool. It is a key source of information for the purchaser. Price cannot be excluded from the factors influencing the motivation to use foods. Price plays a crucial role in the decision of consumers to purchase foods. Demographic variables such as gender and age should also be taken into consideration in this aspect of the issue of purchasing behavior and decisi on-making. The consumers possess socioeconomic attributes, such as income, sex, age, household size, which frame their consumption habits. One of the most factors that makes people or customers pay attention to food products labels is General health interest, the second important factor is Organic concerns and the third is fitness interests. Expiry date is the most effective factor that can influence customers purchasing decision-making. More educated customers are more intended to purchase good quality products although it might be more expensive. People mostly check the food labels and almost understand the labels but most consumers dont trust the manufacturer about the labels on the products, these consumers also need to know more about the ingredients of the foods and finally labels and their information or details about the products are the factors that influence on customers purchasing decision making. Cultural developments can be mentioned as one of the most important and eff ective factors influencing customers behavior, attitudes and perception toward food products.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Banking Service in Developing Economies Essay -- Business, Marketing

Whilst the relationship marketing literature is expanding at a rather exponential rate, rapport between customers and front line employees did not get its due attention especially in the context of banking service in traditional, developing economies. This has delimited the efficacy of the established relationship theories in explaining the antecedent effect of trust, commitment, service quality and involvement for developing rapport leading to overall client (customer) satisfaction. The focus of this research, thus, is rapport. This chapter acts as a preamble that sets the ball rolling by presenting the research background; explaining the research problem and scope; and discussing the research questions. A brief note explaining the overall organisation of the thesis is also incorporated at the end of this chapter. In today’s highly competitive business environment, many organizations all over the world have been forced to put more emphasis on retaining their existing customers rather than acquiring new ones. Since conventional transactional approaches to marketing does not seem to be adequate in attaining this and other related marketing goals, many organizations seem to have been moving away from product or brand orientation to relationship marketing orientation which has been viewed as a bridge through which both customers and companies can share each other’s needs and values and can meet their potential expectations by creating two-way exchanges (Bateman and Snell, 2007). In this backdrop, rapport holds a crucial position in the customer-employee relationship arena particularly in marketing of services because it possess characteristics such as interpersonal focus, simultaneous production-consumption and the lack of standa... ...the conceptual model used in the investigation. It also includes a section to discuss four models found in the extant literature which have been replicated in this study to test if the relationships portrayed in them were valid in the Bangladesh context. This was necessary to ensure the validity of the relationships proposed in the conceptual model. Chapter 4: Research Design – Presents details of methodology, sampling procedure, data collection process and discussions on the development of the survey instrument. Chapter 5: Data Analysis – Explains data analysis and research results. Chapter 6: Hypothesis Testing – Presents a detailed discussion on the hypotheses testing procedures and test results. Chapter 7: Conclusion – Explains research contributions of this study for both academics as well as practitioners. Also presents the limitations of the study.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Richard Hamilton

Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Just What Is It that Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing? ) Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing? ArtistRichard Hamilton Year1956 TypeCollage Dimensions26 cm ? 24. 8 cm (10. 25 in ? 9. 75 in) LocationKunsthalle Tubingen, Tubingen Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing? is a collage by English artist Richard Hamilton. [1][2] It measures 10. 25 in (260 mm) ? 9. 75 in (248 mm).The work is now in the collection of the Kunsthalle Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany. It was the first work of pop art to achieve iconic status. [2] Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Sources 3 Authorship 4 Notes and references [edit]History Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing? was created in 1956 for the catalogue of the exhibition This Is Tomorrow in London, England in which it was reproduced in black and white. In addition, the piece was used in posters for the exhibit. [3] Hamilton and his friends John McHale and John Voelcker had collaborated to create the room that became the best-known part of the exhibition.Hamilton subsequently created several works in which he reworked the subject and composition of the pop art collage, including a 1992 version featuring a female bodybuilder. [edit]Sources The collage consists of images taken mainly from American magazines. The principal template was an image of a modern sitting-room in an advertisement in Ladies Home Journal for Armstrong Floors, which describes the â€Å"modern fashion in floors†. The title is also taken from copy in the advert, which states â€Å"Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?Open planning of course – and a bold use of color. † The body builder is Irvin ‘Zabo' Koszewski, winner of Mr L. A. in 1954. The photograph is taken from Tomorrow's Man magazine, Se ptember 1954. The artist Jo Baer, who posed for erotic magazines in her youth, has stated that she is the burlesque woman on the sofa, but the magazine from which the picture is taken has not been identified. The staircase is taken from an advertisement for Hoover's new model â€Å"Constellation†,and it was sourced from the same issue of Ladies Home Journal, June 1955, as the Armstrong Floors ad.The picture of the cover of Young Romance was from an advertisement for the magazine included in its sister-publication Young Love (no 15, 1950). The TV is a Stromberg-Carlson, taken from a 1955 advert. Hamilton asserted that the rug was a blow-up from a photograph depicting a crowd on the Whitley Bay beach. The image of planet Earth at the top was cut from Life Magazine (Sept 1955). [4] The original reference image for the collage from Life Magazine supplied to Hamilton is in the John McHale archives at Yale University. It was one of the first images to be laid down in the collage. 4 ] The Victorian man in the portrait has not been identified. The periodical on the chair is a copy of The Journal of Commerce, founded by telegraph pioneer Samuel F. B. Morse. [4] The tape recorder is a British-made Boosey & Hawkes â€Å"Reporter†, but the source of the image has not been identified. The view through the window is a widely reproduced photograph of the exterior of a cinema in 1927 showing the premiere of the early â€Å"talkie† film, The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson; the actual original source of the image has not yet been found. edit]Authorship In 2006, artist John McHale's son, John McHale Jr. , said that his father claimed he was the creator of the image, having provided the original measured design and iconic material for the collage, including the magazines from which much of the collage was assembled. [5] McHale said that the source material was his, sent to Hamilton from Yale University, where McHale was studying, and that Hamilton's role was s imply â€Å"mechanical† cutting out and pasting according to McHale's design. In response, Hamilton said this was â€Å"absurd.The collage has been widely reproduced over the last fifty years and my authorship was never, to my knowledge, contested by John McHale Sr. when he was alive. â€Å"[6] Hamilton said that McHale provided him with a rough layout for six pages for the This is Tomorrow exhibition catalogue, but he only used two of them, and the other pages, including this collage, were created by himself; the American magazines that provided the images were from the collection of Magda and Frank Cordell, and the images were cut out by Hamilton's wife, Terry O'Reilly, and Magda Cordell. 6] Magda Cordell has said that â€Å"some of the material for that collage came from John McHale's files†, while other items came from American magazines brought back by her (from a visit to McHale at Yale), and that the piece was â€Å"put together† by Hamilton. [7] A 2007 article by John-Paul Stonard asserts Hamilton's authorship of the collage, providing an exposition of the sources used by Hamilton and the circumstances

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Anaxamander Essays - Ancient Greek Philosophers, Natural Philosophy

Anaxamander Essays - Ancient Greek Philosophers, Natural Philosophy Anaxamander With his discoveries, Anaxamander of Miletus attempted to bring the realm of the unreal to the world where common man could conceive it. As successor and pupil of Thales of Miletus, Anaxamander worked on the fields of geometry, natural science, and astrology. The culmination of his life attempted to define the indefinite or undetermined. He was the first to discover and apply the theory of the unlimited. For a philosopher of this time period, he had many radical ideas. Anaxamander believed many different things about the position of the Earth. He also published a book, On Nature, which revealed his theories about the evolution of Earth and man. Under the tutelage of Thales, Anaxamander studied numerous things about earth and life. While he did make some contributions to the world of mathematics, his greatest achievements were probably in science and astrology. His most notable accomplishment, however, was the gnomon. The gnomon is the large rod that is erected from the base of the su ndial. This led him to other things, such as the prediction of solstices and equinoxes. His attempts at prediction carried over and allowed him to create maps of both the real and celestial worlds. In addition to his celestial interests, Anaxamander believed that the Earth hung in the middle of the sky and was held there by the pull of objects at either side. Along this line he also believed that the world possessed a cylindrical form. He believed that the Earth was encompassed by a flame, that was broken into pieces in order to generate the sun, moon, and stars. The heavenly bodies, Anaxamander thought, were each a wheel of fire. When holes in the wheel were clogged then an eclipse occurred. The seas upon the earth were the result of leftover primal moisture. Strong winds came through and dried some places, which are now land; what was left became the seas and oceans. Anaxamanders attempt to bring the world of the unknown to reality was the most difficult task that one could encounter. Well-known for his theory of Apeiron, or the unlimited, Anaxamander pursued the changes of the Earth. He basically thought that apeiron compensated for the many changes the Earth undergoes. As a fragment from Anaxamander says, the unlimited is the first principle of things that are. It is that from which the coming-to-be takes place, and it is that to which they return when they perish, by moral necessity, giving satisfaction to one another and making reparation for their injustice, according to the order of time. Coming to be is the separation of opposites and does not involve any change in the natural being of a substance. Anaxamander thought that it was neither water nor any other substance, but it is of entirely different nature than that in which the unlimited exists. He believed that all things existed in some place. Whether they were absent or conspicuous was irrelevant; they still existed. He believed that qualities came into existence, vanished away, only to return again. Anaxamnder took into consideration that there was a storehouse or reservoir from which the qualities that now confront us have separated off and into which, when their contraries come forth in time, they will go back; the process being repeated in reverse, and so on in never-ending cycles. Anaxamander, unlike most philosophers of this time, assessed that the world was created from air, not water. He assumed that everything was created from nothing. This nothing, however, was actually the unknown. The unknown, as Anaxamander defines it, can best be described as the other half of what is. The undetermined is what is not and cannot be seen. Equally as important are water, land, and fire that were created by the density in the air. Each of these three things, as seen from Anaxamanders point of view, were the origin of all the rest of what exists. Water, of course, was the origin of life. From this water, first came fish that would evolve into what is now man. Bibliography Kirk,G.S. and Raven, J.E. The_Presocratic_Philosophers. London: Cambridge University Press, 1957 Wheelwright, Philip. The Presocratics. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1966 15 Oct. 1999. 15 Oct. 1999. 13 Oct. 1999.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Graduate High School Early 5 Key Steps

How to Graduate High School Early 5 Key Steps SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you a high school student who’s thinking about graduating early? Maybe you have an exciting internship offer, want to start college early, or are just interested in finishing high school faster. The good news is that graduating high school early is often not as challenging as people think. This guide will give you all the tips and information you need to know about how to graduate from high school early in an easy and hassle-free way, and it will help you decide if graduating early is the right decision for you. What Does It Mean to Graduate High School Early? In the US, the typical high school education lasts four years. Students who want to graduate early aim to complete their high school in less than four years, typically in three or three and a half years. Unless you are home schooled or attend a non-traditional school, it’s often difficult or impossible to graduate high school if you have completed less than three years. This is because students often can’t complete all their graduation requirements in less than three years. If you graduate early, you will receive the same diploma as any other graduate from your high school. Your transcript won’t have any special indication that you graduated early, other than the fact that it contains fewer semesters than a typical high school transcript. Why Would You Want to Graduate Early? What are the benefits of graduating high school early? Here are three of the most common reasons students plan to complete high school in less time. You Want to Start Your Next Education Phase Early One common reason why students choose to graduate high school early is because they want to get a head-start on college or technical school. You may want to do this if you have a lot of school ahead of you (say, if you're planning on attending med school or getting a PhD), and you want to get ahead so you can eventually complete your schooling a bit earlier. You could also be interested in only attending college part-time but still want to graduate when you're 22, or you may just want to finish school more quickly so you can enter the workforce sooner. Completing high school early can help make each of these situations possible. Graduating high school early can mean you enroll full-time at a new school, or you might just enroll in a few classes. Students who enroll part-time often have a part-time job as well to help pay for classes. You Want to Purse an Opportunity Before College You may also have another opportunity you want to take advantage of that isn’t related to classes. This could be an internship to get career experience, a job to earn money, or a similar opportunity you think is worth finishing high school early for. Gap years, where students take a year or so off from school to travel, work, or have another experience, are becoming increasingly popular among high school and college-aged students. If you decide to do one, there are lots of options available, depending on your interests. You could work at a theater, help out at an archaeological dig, volunteer, or do one of many other opportunities. Spending a year away from school can help you get a better idea of how you want to spend the rest of your life, and it can also give you some great experiences. You Don't Enjoy High School A third reason you may want to graduate high school early is that you just don’t enjoy it. Some people feel lonely or out-of-place in high school, and others simply don’t feel like they’re learning a lot. This can be a legitimate reason to graduate high school early, but make sure you understand that it will take time and effort on your part to plan it out, and you won’t be able to finish high school immediately. Disliking high school could be a reason to graduate early. How to Graduate High School Early So, how can you graduate high school early? I’ve outlined the steps you need to follow below. There’s a bit a math involved, but nothing you can’t handle; after all, you’ll soon be a high school graduate. Step 1: Decide When You Want to Graduate This first step is pretty simple; all you need to do is decide how early you want to graduate high school. Do you want to graduate a semester early? An entire year? How long do you want to spend pursuing whatever it is you’re doing instead of attending high school? When figuring this out, keep in mind that it’s often easier to graduate just a semester early instead of an entire year. If that doesn’t seem like a long enough time to you, remember that, even if you only graduate a semester early, you’ll finish high school in December or January. If you start college the following September, that still gives you about eight months of time to work, travel, or pursue another opportunity. If you still need help deciding, talk to your academic adviser. They’re a great resource to have, and they’ll likely be able to help make this process easier (plus you’ll have to let them know if you officially decide to graduate early, so you may as well start talking to them now). Step 2: Figure Out How Many Credits You Need to Graduate Now that you know when you want to graduate, it’s time to get into the math. Almost every high school requires its students to complete a certain number of credits before they can graduate. Look in your student handbook or ask your academic adviser to find out how many credits your particular high school requires. As an example, we’ll use the high school I graduated from, which required its students to complete 21 credits, with each class worth about 0.5 credits per semester. Now, figure out how many credits you’ve already completed. You can usually find this information on your report card or transcript, or you can ask your adviser. Next, subtract the number of credits you’ve completed from the number of total credits you need to graduate. The answer you get is the number of credits you’ll need to take before you can graduate. The good news for you is that the number of graduating credits for most high schools often doesn’t require you to complete four full-time years of school. Again, for my high school, you needed to complete 21 credits to graduate, but a student attending high school full-time would complete about 7 credits each year, meaning most students at the end of their junior year would already have enough credits to graduate. The number of credits you need to take isn’t all you need to worry about though, so let’s move on to the next step. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Step 3: Figure Out Which Classes You Need to Graduate Now you need to figure out the specific classes you need to take to graduate. Look at your student handbook or talk to your adviser to learn which classes students at your high school must take in order to graduate. This will usually require a certain number of semesters of math, English, science, and social studies, as well as some possible other requirements such as gym or a fine arts class. Make a list of all the required classes you haven’t taken yet. Sometimes the requirements are general, such as taking six semesters of math, while other times they’re more specific, like all students must take algebra and geometry. Pay attention to this when making your list. Be aware the most high schools require four years of English but often fewer years of other core subjects. To again use my former high school as an example, all students had to complete: 4 years of English 3 years of math 2 to 3 years of science 2 years of social studies 1 year of foreign language 4 years of gym a fine arts class, a typing class, a driver's education class, and a consumer education class Which classes does your high school require you to take? Step 4: Figure Out Which Classes the Colleges You're Interested in Require Now we move on from classes that you must take in order to graduate and focus instead on classes it would be a good idea for you to take, but aren't required. Many times, the bare minimum high school graduation requirements aren't enough to get you into top colleges. For example, your high school may only require you to take two years of social studies, but the colleges you’re interested in may want three to four years. Look at the admission requirements for several colleges you’re interested in, and add any additional requirements they have to the list of classes you need to take. Keep in mind that you’ll want to take more classes in the subject(s) you plan to study in college. So if you’re planning on majoring in biology, you may be fine taking just three years of social studies, but you’ll probably want to take four years each of math and science if you’re looking to get into more competitive schools. Step 5: Set Up a Schedule for When to Take the Rest of Your Classes Now that you know how many credits you need to take and which classes you need to complete, it’s time to start figuring out how you’ll graduate high school early. Make blank schedules for each semester you have left of high school. So, say I just finished my sophomore year, I take eight classes a day, and I want to graduate a semester early. I’d make three columns, each with eight blank spaces, representing all the room I have left to take classes (see example below). Next, begin filling in the blanks, starting with the classes that are required to graduate. For each class, put its number of credits next to it in parentheses. For some spots, you may not know exactly what class you’ll be taking next, but you can put its general subject down for now, such as â€Å"English class (3 credits).† After you’ve filled in required classes, and if you have extra space, start adding other classes you’d like to take or would be helpful for you to get into college. Once all the spaces on your schedule have been filled in, add up all the credits you’ll have completed. Have you met the minimum requirement for your school? If not, how many classes will you need to take to meet it? Next, look at what classes are left over on your list. Are there any required classes you weren’t able to fit? Any classes you don’t have to take but would like to? If you need to take either additional credits or classes, start thinking of ways you can fit them in outside of the normal school day. Some options include summer classes, taking classes at a nearby community college or university, or taking online classes. For each of these options, make sure you discuss it with your adviser before you enroll to make sure you’ll get the required credit you need. Once you’ve figured out how you’ll take each of these extra classes, add the information to your schedule. Look at the junior and senior year schedule below for an example: Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Summer 2017 Fall 2017 Pre-calculus (0.5 credits) Pre-calculus (0.5 credits) Calculus I (0.5 credits) Math elective (0.5 credits) Physics (0.5 credits) Physics (0.5 credits) Calculus II (0.5 credits) Science elective (0.5 credits) US History (0.5 credits) US History (0.5 credits) English elective (0.5 credits) American Literature (0.5 credits) American Literature (0.5 credits) English elective (0.5 credits) French III (0.5 credits) French III (0.5 credits) Consumer Ed class (0.5 credits) AP Biology (0.5 credits) AP Biology (0.5 credits) Fine arts class (.5 credits) Lunch Lunch Lunch Gym (.25 credits) Gym (.25 credits) Gym (.25 credits) In this example, the student would be able to graduate a semester early while having a course load that would be considered strong at many colleges. This student is planning on majoring in biology, so she wanted to maximize her math and science classes. During her junior year, her schedule was pretty normal with the exception of taking two science classes (physics and AP Biology) at the same time. Taking two classes in one subject is something that you'll likely have to do if you want to graduate early. She realized she wouldn't be able to fit in calculus normally, so she chose to take it over the summer. For her final semester, she took two English classes at the same time, a math elective and science elective to get more experience in those subjects, and she completed the rest of her required classes. Assuming she had a regular schedule her previous semesters, she would have completed 4.5 years of science, 4.5 years of math, 4 years of English, 3 years of social studies, 3 years of foreign language, and her other required classes. Completing those classes would be good enough for most colleges although some highly competitive schools would require 4 years of social studies and foreign language. Notice that she had a lot of different options when creating her schedule; she could have dropped her foreign language and taken a different course, chosen to take two math electives her senior year instead of calculus over the summer, and a variety of other options. Also, be aware that her junior year would probably be pretty challenging with her full course load that includes two science classes. Keep all these things in mind when creating your schedule. Once you've completed your schedule, double-check your work to make sure all the requirements are met. Congratulations, you now have a plan for graduating high school early! If you haven’t before now, share your plan with your adviser and ask if there are any additional steps you need to take. Drawbacks to Graduating High School Early You now know how to graduate high school early, but just because you can doesn’t automatically mean that you should. Read on to learn three potential drawbacks you may face if you choose to graduate early. Can Be Stressful As you saw above, graduating high school early takes a lot of planning and may mean you have to take extra classes during the school year and summer. Balancing this heavier course load can be stressful and tiring, and that’s something you should consider before you decide to graduate early. May Miss Out on Important Events Another potential drawback to graduating high school early is that you may miss out on special high school events. For many students, senior year is their favorite year of high school because of activities like homecoming and prom. If you graduate early, you may not be able to participate in these events. Additionally, you also may not attend a graduation ceremony, which is an important experience for many people. Before you decide to graduate early, think about how you’ll feel if you see all your friends participating in events like sports games, school dances, and senior days while you don’t. For some people, this isn’t important, but for others they’d regret missing out on these experiences. Won't Necessarily Impress Colleges You also shouldn’t try to graduate high school early to impress colleges. Just by itself, finishing high school in a shorter amount of time won’t give your college applications a boost. In fact, if graduating high school early means you have fewer classes in core subjects, it could even hurt your chances of admissions. Unless you have plans to spend your time at a great internship or another exciting opportunity that will really show colleges who you are and what your skills are, colleges won’t see graduating high school early as a sign of increased intelligence or motivation. Don't expect colleges to be automatically impressed that you graduated early. Should You Graduate High School Early? Now that you know how you can plan to graduate from high school early, should you do it? The main way to decide is to think about what you’ll do during the time you’d normally be in high school. If you have a great opportunity you’d like to take advantage of like an internship, travel experience, college classes, or something similar, graduating high school may be a good idea. However, if you plan to spend the time mostly watching TV or maybe working a few hours a week, it’s probably in your best interest to graduate when you normally would. Next, go through the steps above. Is it possible for you to graduate early while also taking all the classes you need to and would like to, without stretching yourself too thin? If you’ve found answers to both of the above considerations, graduating high school early may be something for you to start planning. What's Next? Thinking about summer school as a way to complete some of your graduation requirements? Check out our complete guide to summer school and learn if it's a good option for you. Do you think you go to a bad high school? Learn what your options are if you aren't happy with your current school. Taking an independent study can be a great way to fulfill some of your graduation requirements. Learn how to take an independent study class. What's the benefit to graduating high school early vs. dropping out? Find out with our article on whether or not you need a high school diploma. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, November 4, 2019

See below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

See below - Essay Example Such teams help individual members of the team better understand the project goals, and the team becomes capable of solving very challenging and complex problems that are well beyond the capability of the best employee working alone (Katzenbach and Smith 1994). The manager has to be ready to contribute to team-based activities in important ways and to feel free to voice their views without fear of creating unmanageable conflict. The main elements of management style involve high performance communication, time and performance management, good conflict resolution skills and situational decision-making. A high-performance team needs a situational leader able to respond effectively to changing conditions and conflict situations. The leader should have excellent communication skills and cultural knowledge. This systems view suggests that leaders can and do change high performance teams by mutually reinforcing and amplifying stimuli within their systems. Directing and coaching, supporting and delegating should be the core of diversity management and team building. The challenge for the leader is to be a source of comfort for high performance team members. Working with people from different social classes and racial groups, the leader should be perceptible and flexible, permissive and strong (Zweifel, 2003). His personal qualities and behavior should motivate employees to follow established rules and procedures, maintain mutual understanding and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Writing a report about 4 presentations and discuss them each Coursework

Writing a report about 4 presentations and discuss them each presentation 2 pages - Coursework Example n time we may become addicted to the internet and this presentation allowed us to judge our usage of internet and whether we need to take steps to curtail our growing addiction. This topic is very important and should be taken up by every class. In terms of the presentation, I very acutely felt that at this level, groups should not be reading material from their notes or slides. They should come well-prepared. Even though the group was well dressed and presentable, they did not focus on delivering a strong presentation. The group was not very professional in my opinion and one member was too quiet. The final speaker did not seem well-rehearsed. Since the final speaker was not very convincing, at the conclusion, the presentation seemed to fall apart. Since the last part remains in the minds of the viewers the most, the presentation became weak due to this. The beginning and end should always be strong to retain interest of the viewers. The good point of the presentation was the fact that the group was able to properly define the scope of their topic. In this way, they were able to exclude irrelevant information which made the presentation crisp and easy to understand. This also made the conclusion clearer and easier to grasp. However, the presentation lacked a little due to the fact that it was not very interest grabbing. If the group had included case studies in the presentation, the topic would have become more interesting and the students would have taken the concept home. They could have taken people from their own surroundings and researched on them. A profile of these addicts could have been developed which would have made the presentation more appealing to us- the viewers. Apart from that, the research depended on scholarly research which made the research more credible. Additionally, the content was up-to-date and taken from 2011 studies which was another good point. This aspect of the research made it convincing and created a professional look of the